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Dear friends,

India Pulses and Grains Association presents a KHARIF SOWING OVERVIEW WEBINAR under the aegis of the IPGA KNOWLEDGE SERIES. The webinar will be held on AUGUST 27TH, 2021 AT 5 PM INDIA TIME.

The speakers and the subject they will speak about in the Webinar are:

  • Dr. S K Malhotra, Agriculture Commissioner, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India will present an overview on the Government’s perspective about Kharif Sowing and Expected Production of pulses.
  • Mr. Nirav Desai, Managing Partner – GGN Research will present an overview on the Trade’s perspective about Kharif Sowing and Expected Production of pulses.
  • Dr. D S Pai, Head – Climate Research and Services, Indian Meteorological Dept. will present an overview on the performance of the monsoons so far and what the near future holds in terms of weather conditions.
  • Mr. B Krishna Murthy, Managing Director, Four P International will speak about the prospects of the forthcoming Urad crop in terms of carry-forward stocks, quantities imported last year, sowing and acreage and expected production this year.
  • Mr. Nitin Kalantri, Chief Executive Officer, Kalantri Food Products will speak about the prospects of the forthcoming Tur crop in terms of carry-forward stocks, quantities imported last year, sowing and acreage and expected production this year.
  • Mr. Punit Bachhawat, Managing Director, Prakash Agro Mills will speak about the prospects of the forthcoming Moong crop in terms of carry-forward stocks, quantities imported last year, sowing and acreage and expected production this year.

Ms. Manisha Gupta, Editor – Commodities & Currencies, CNBC TV18 will be the Moderator for the webinar. Ms. Gupta covers agriculture and related sectors and also the non-Agro sector with equal elan. Apart from covering the live market she also anchors the Weekly show Commodity Champions. She is also seen on the Hindi channel CNBC Awaaz and Gujarati channel CNBC Bajar.

I am sure, we all agree, that this year has been rather eventful for the pulses sector with policy changes and stock limits being imposed, COVID-19 pandemic affecting container availability as well as increasing ocean freights.

Then, though the monsoons started-off at a good pace, in the third week of June, it halted in its progress across central India, resulting in a three-week delay in rainfall during a crucial sowing season. With the monsoon picking up pace again and covering the whole country, kharif crop sowing is also showing signs of recovery.

According to Agriculture Ministry data, the total sown area in pulses, compared to last year, Moong is 10% lower, and Urad is 9% while Tur sowing, on the other hand, is proceeding briskly, with a 4% gain in crop area so far.

In this webinar, with the presence of stalwarts like Dr. S K Malhotra and Mr. Nirav Desai, we hope to be able to present both, Government and Trade perspectives on the sowing scenario and Dr. D S Pai of IMD will present an overview on the progress of monsoon as well as how is the weather expected to unravel in the following months.

On the trade side, we have domain experts for Tur, Urad, and Moong to present an overview on the carry-forward stocks, price outlook, expected production, anticipated imports, etc.

All in all, we believe this is going to be a webinar that will provide in-depth information covering key aspects of the trade – production and demand/supply. We are sure that you will not want to miss an opportunity to listen to the experts sharing valuable information and data – data that will help you take informed business/trade decisions.


Pradeep Ghorpade
Chief Executive Officer
India Pulses and Grains Association

About Webinar

Date: August 27th, 2021
Time: 5:00 PM (IST)
Location: India

Mr Bimal Kothari

Vice Chairman – IPGA

Watch Video Presentation by Mr Bimal Kothari

Mr. Nirav Desai

Managing Partner – GGN Research
Managing Director – Nikhil Commodities

Mr. Nirav Desai is the Managing Partner of GGN Research and Managing Director of Nikhil Commodities has over a decade of experience in Pulses and Oilseeds sector.

Dr. D S Pai

Head – Climate Research & Services India Meteorological Department

Dr. Pai, presently serves as Head, Climate Research & Services at IMD, Pune having joined IMD in in 1992 and has in different capacities including research, operational services, teaching etc.

Mr. Nitin Kalantri

Chief Executive Officer Kalantri
Food Products

Nitin Kalantri, a qualified Chartered Accountant, is the Chief Executive Officer of Latur-based Kalantri Food Products engaged in the processing of Pulses and manufacturing of Besan.

Mr B Krishna Murthy

Managing Director Four P International

Mr. B Krishna Murthy, a qualified Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary, is the Managing Director of Four P International. He has also served as the Secretary of Tamilnadu Pulses importers and exporters association and represented the industry with Chennai Customs, Port and other authorities to resolve various issues and problems faced by the trade

Mr. Punit Bachhawat

Managing Director Prakash Agro Mills

Mr. Punit Bachhawat is the Managing Director of Prakash Agro Mills with 15 years of experience in the field of Pulses and Agri Products. Under Mr. Bachhawat’s guidance Prakash Agro Mills has grown to become one of the leading supplier of food grains and pulses in India and overseas. Mr. Bachhawat is focused at building a global network for easy availability of food grains and pulses

Ms. Manisha Gupta

Editor – Commodities & Currencies CNBC TV18

Ms. Gupta covers agriculture and related sectors and also the non-Agro sector with equal elan. Apart from covering the live market she also anchors the Weekly show Commodity Champions. She is also seen on the Hindi channel CNBC Awaaz and Gujarati channel CNBC Bajar.