July 2022

Sr. No | DATE | Publications | Headline | Pg.No./ Link |
1 | 02-Jul-22 | The Hindu Business Line | Kharif pulses acreage set to gain as monsoon picks up | 8 |
2 | 07-Jul-22 | The Hindu Business Line | IPGA to host pulses meet in Mumbai from Feb 16-18 | 8 |
3 | 18-Jul-22 | The Hindu Business Line | Reinstate GST exemption on pre packed,pre labelled agri products:IPGA | 3 |
4 | 19-Jul-22 | Loksatta | Reinstate GST exemption on pre packed,pre labelled agri products:IPGA | 11 |
Online FInancials | ||||
5 | 01-Jul-22 | The Hindu Business Line | Kharif pulses acreage set to gain as monsoon picks up | VIEW |
6 | 06-Jul-22 | The Hindu Business Line | IPGA Pulses Conclave in Mumbai from Feb 16-18 | VIEW |
7 | 17-Jul-22 | The Hindu Business Line | IPGA urges govt to reinstate GST exemption on pre-packed and pre-labelled agri products | VIEW |
8 | 16-Jul-22 | The Economic Times | IPGA urges government to reinstate exemption of GST levied on pre-packed and pre-labelled agri products | VIEW |
9 | 20-Jul-22 | The Economic Times | Companies make over 25 kg packs to avoid 5% GST | VIEW |
11 | 26-Jul-22 | CNBC TV 18 | Commodity Champions: Will price of rice rise soon? | VIEW |
12 | 26-Jul-22 | CNBC TV 18 | Kharif Sowing Impacted, Paddy Sowing Area Down 17%; Experts Discuss | Commodity Champions | VIEW |
13 | 31-Jul-22 | CNBC TV 18 | Kharif Sowing Impacted, Paddy Sowing Area Down & More Experts Discuss | Commodity Champions | VIEW |
14 | 10-Jul-22 | Krishi Jagran | Indian Pulses and Grains Association (IPGA) Delegatory Authorities Hold Talks with Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade | VIEW |
15 | 19-Jul-22 | Krishi Jagran | Pulses and grains body hold talks with Argentine minister to promote international trade | VIEW |
16 | 16-Jul-22 | Agri News | IPGA Delegatory Authorities Hold Talks with Argentine Foreign Minister | VIEW |
17 | 21-Jul-22 | Money Control | Centre says no plan to offer subsidy on export of pulses | VIEW |
18 | 17-Jul-22 | Pehal News | IPGA urges govt to reinstate GST exemption on pre-packed and pre-labelled agri products | VIEW |
19 | 17-Jul-22 | Inside Headline | Ipga: IPGA Urges Government To Reinstate Exemption Of GST Levied On Pre-Packed And Pre-Labelled Agri Products | VIEW |
20 | 16-Jul-22 | Non sell | IPGA urges government to reinstate exemption of GST levied on pre-packed and pre-labelled agri produ… | VIEW |
21 | 16-Jul-22 | Urall News | IPGA urges government to reinstate exemption of GST levied on pre-packed and pre-labelled agri produ… | VIEW |
22 | 16-Jul-22 | My Times Now | IPGA urges government to reinstate exemption of GST levied on pre-packed and pre-labelled agri produ… | VIEW |
23 | 16-Jul-22 | News Next | IPGA urges government to reinstate exemption of GST levied on pre-packed and pre-labelled agri produ… | VIEW |
24 | 16-Jul-22 | Techiai | IPGA Urges Government To Reinstate Exemption Of GST Levied On Pre-Packed And Pre-Labelled Agri Products | VIEW |
25 | 16-Jul-22 | Fasal Kranti | आईपीजीए ने सरकार से प्री कृषि उत्पादों पर जीएसटी की छूट बहाल करने का आग्रह किया | VIEW |
26 | 20-Jul-22 | Loksatta | वेष्टनरहित कृषी उत्पादनांवर जीएसटी नको; इंडिया पल्सेस अँड ग्रेन्स असोसिएशनची मागणी | VIEW |
27 | 18-Jul-22 | Vishal Samachar | इंडिया पल्स एंड ग्रेन्स एसोसिएशन का सरकार से प्री-पैक-प्री-लेबल कृषि उत्पादों पर जीएसटी छूट बहाल करने का अनुरोध | VIEW |
28 | 18-Jul-22 | Arthniti magazine | इंडिया पल्सेस अँड ग्रेन्स असोसिएशनकडून सरकारला प्री-पॅक-प्री-लेबल कृषी उत्पादनांवरील जीएसटीची सूट पुनर्स्थापित करण्याची विनंती | VIEW |
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