20-01-2025 | | | Extension in free import policy of Tur till 31st March 2026 |
13-09-2024 | | | Import Period for Yellow Peas Extended from 31st Oct, 2024 till 31st Dec, 2024 |
23-02-2024 | | | Yellow Pea Imprt Extended Till 30th April 2024 |
06-03-2024 | | | Amendments in Implementation of Yellow Peas Import Monitoring System |
05-04-2024 | | | Yellow Peas Import Extented Till 30 june 2024 |
08-05-2024 | | | Yellow Peas Import Extented Till 31st oct 2024 |
06-03-2024 | 46/2023 | Public Notice | Yellow Peas BL |
28-12-2023 | | | Tur Urad Import Duty Free Till 31st March 2025 |
08-12-2023 | | | Yellow Pea Import Free Without MIP & Port Restriction Till 31 March 2024 |
13-12-2023 | | | Implementation Of Yellow Pea Import Monitoring System |
28-07-2022 | | Public Notice | Public Notice 17 of 2015-20 |
28-12-2022 | | | Amendments Under India-Australia ECTA |
23-07-2022 | | Gazette Notification | Customs Nitification No. 44 of 2022 |
18-07-2022 | | Gazette Notification | DGFT Public Notice 17 of 2015-20 dt.18.07.2022 |
17-07-2022 | | Gazette Notification | FAQs on GST applicability on ‘pre-packaged and labelled’ goods- reg |
29-03-2022 | 63/2015-2020 | Gazette Notification | Amendment in Import policy of Urad [Beans of the SPP Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper] |
29-03-2022 | | Gazette Notification | Urad and Tur OGL extended till 31.03.2023 |
28-02-2022 | S.O. 624 (E) | Trade Notice | Trade Notice 37- Import of Moong |
11-02-2022 | S.O.624(E) | Gazette Notification | Notification No S.O.624(E) on Revised Import Policy on Moong is Restricted |
20-12-2021 | S.O. 5317(E) | Gazette Notification | Notification No S.O. 5317(E) - extending the import of Green Moong till 31.03.2022 |
15-11-2021 | | Trade Notice | Trade Notice 24 - eCoO Extension till Jan2022 |
28-09-2021 | | Gazette Notification | Notification No. 33_2015-20 - Validity of FTP 2015-2020 and HBP 2015-2020 extended till 31.03.2022 |
28-09-2021 | | Public Notice | Public Notice 25_2015-20 |
28-09-2021 | | Public Notice | DGFT Notification No. 33_2015-20 |
14-09-2021 | | Gazette Notification | DGFT Trade Notice No. 17 detailing Procedure for refund of import quota fees |
14-09-2021 | | Trade Notice | Trade Notice No. 17 - Procedure for refund of application fees deposited by applicants for Restricted |
13-09-2021 | | Gazette Notification | Notification No. 3707 Tur and Urad Import Extension till 31.12.2021 |
12-08-2021 | | Gazette Notification | FTWZ Notification |
15-05-2021 | | Gazette Notification | Notification S.O. 1858(E) wherein Urad Toor and Green Moong import policy has been made free till 31.10.2021 |
30-04-2021 | S.O. 1266(E) | Gazette Notification | Noification No. 60_2015-2020 - Validity of FTP 2015-2020 and HBP 2015-2020 extended till 30.09.2021 |
31-03-2021 | | Gazette Notification | Tur and Moong Imports Notification for FY 2021-22 |
30-03-2021 | | Public Notice | Public Notice 47_2015-20 detailing procudure for Tur, Moong and Urad import quota applications |
30-03-2021 | S.O. 1261(E) | Gazette Notification | Extend the last date for import of 1.5 Lakh MT of Urad from 31.03.2021 till 30.04.2021 |
28-03-2021 | | Trade Notice | Trade Notice No 47 |
19-03-2021 | | Gazette Notification | Tur and Moong Imports Notification for FY 2021-22 |
19-03-2021 | | Gazette Notification | Notification S.O. 1266(E) for FY 2021-22 on Tur and Moong Imports |
19-03-2021 | | Gazette Notification | Notification S.O. 1261(E) - extend the last date for import of 1.5 Lakh MT of Urad from 31.03.2021 till 30.04.2021 |
03-03-2021 | S.O. 1017(E) | Gazette Notification | Urad Quota Notification for FY 2021-22 |
03-03-2021 | 47/2015-20 | Public Notice | Procedure / modalities for import of 1.5 lakh MT of Moong, 4 Lakh MT of Tur and 4 Lakh MT of Urad for the fiscal year 2021-2022 |
26-10-2020 | 27/2020-21 | Public Notice | Public Notice No 27 dated 26.10.2020 regarding Extension of time period for imports of tur during the fiscal year 2020-21 |
13-10-2020 | | Gazette Notification | DGFT List for Toor and Urad Application for the fiscal year 2020-21 |
06-10-2020 | | Gazette Notification | Allocation of quota of 4 lakh MT of Urad for the fiscal year 2020-21 |
01-10-2020 | | Public Notice | Public Notice No 22 dated 01.10.2020 - Procedure for allocation of quota for import of Urad |
01-06-2020 | 13/2020-21 | Trade Notice | Trade Notice 13 dated 01.06.2020, issued by DGFT as Implementation of MOU between India and Mozambique for import of Pigeon Peas and other pulses grown in Mozambique |
22-05-2020 | S.O.1605(E) | Gazette Notification | Notification S.O. 1605(E) dated 22nd May, 2020 date amendment to 31st August, 2020 for import of Urad. |
13-05-2020 | 10/2020-2021 | Trade Notice | Extending deadline for 2.50 lakh tons urad imports for FY 2019-20 to 31-05-2020. |
21-04-2020 | 06/2020-2021 | Trade Notice | Modalities for import of Peas, Pigeon Peas/Toor Dal and Moong FY 2020-2021 |
21-04-2020 | 05/2020-2021 | Trade Notice | Restricted quantities notice on imports of Peas, Pigeon Peas and Moong |
16-04-2020 | S.O.1260(E) | Gazette Notification | Detailing Break-up of Peas Imports Quota |
16-04-2020 | 04/2020-2021 | Trade Notice | Arrival deadline extended to May 15th for Import of additional 2.50 lakh tons of Urad for FY 2019-2020 |
28-03-2020 | S.O.1225(E) | Gazette Notification | Restricting imports of Tur, Moong and Peas |
23-03-2020 | 58/2019-2020 | Trade Notice | Last date to apply for 4 lakh tons Urad import extended to April 15, 2020 |
19-03-2020 | 57/2019-2020 | Trade Notice | Modalities for import of 4 Lakh MT Urad for the fiscal year 2020 - 2021 |
19-03-2020 | 56/2019-2020 | Trade Notice | Restriction on Import of Pulses - 4 lakh tons Urad imports to be allowed for period 01.05.2020 to 31.03.2021 |
03-03-2020 | 54/2019-2020 | Trade Notice | Arrival deadline of March 31 for Import of additional 2.50 lakh tons of Urad for FY 2019-2020 |
20-01-2020 | | Gazette Notification | Minutes of DGFT Meeting to finalise allottment of additional quota of 2.50 lakh tons for Urad imports |
01-01-2020 | 38/2015-2020 | Gazette Notification | HS Code for Peas split for Yellow, Green and Other Peas - Notification of ITC (HS), 2017 - Schedule 1 (Import Policy) |
27-12-2019 | 45/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Corrigendum rectifying to millers/refiners instead of millers/traders in Trade Notice No. 44 dtdt 26.12.2019 |
26-12-2019 | 44/2019-2020 | Trade Notice | Corrignedum correcting HS Code for Urad in Trade Notices No. 42/2019-20 and 43/2019-20 dtd. 19.12.2019 |
19-12-2019 | 43/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Laying down of modalities for import of additional Urad (2.5 Lakh MT) for the fiscal year 2019 – 2020 |
19-12-2019 | 42/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Restriction on import of Pulses |
18-12-2019 | 37/2015-2020 | Trade Notice | Amendment in Imort Policy and Policy condition under HS Code 07131000 of Chapter 7 of ITC(HS), 2017, Schedule -I (Import Policy) - MIP with QR imposed on Peas |
1-11-2019 | | Gazette Notification | Notification No. 31-2015-2020 - Splitting HS COde for Peas |
05-11-2019 | 38/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Imports of Pulses for the fiscal year 2019-20. |
30-09-2019 | 35/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Imports of Pulses for the fiscal year 2019-20. |
11-09-2019 | 32/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Last date of Import of Pulses for the fiscal year 2019-20 |
25-07-2019 | | MoM | Minutes of DGFT Meeting to finalise allottment of additional 2 lakh tons Tur Imports |
24-07-2019 | 26/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Corrigendum to rectify HS Codes for Urand and Moong in Trade Notice No. 06 dtd. 16.04.2019 |
25-06-2019 | 09/2015-2020 | Trade Notice | Amendment in import policy of seeds of Peas. |
05-07-2019 | 24/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Inviting applications for allotment of addl import quota of Pigeon Peas/Toor Dal for 2 lakh MT for FY 2019-20. |
05-07-2019 | 23/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Additional quota of Toor allowed for import for the fiscal year 2019-20. |
21-06-2019 | 19/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Response to various representations against Allocation of Quota for Pulses/Peas. |
09-05-2019 | 11/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Registration of contracts for Peas (HS - Code 0713 10 00) under Trade Notice No. 25/2018-19 dated 17th August, 2018. |
07-05-2019 | 9/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Processing of applications in response to TNotice 06/2019-20 dtd 16.04.19 - import of Peas and Pulses for FY 2019-20. |
23-04-2019 | 7/2019-20 | Trade Notice | India and Mozambique MoU implementation for import of pigeon peas and other pulses grown in Mozambique |
16-04-2019 | 6/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Modalities for import of Peas, Pigeon Peas/Toor Dal, Moong dal and Urad dal for the fiscal year 2019-2020. |
01-04-2019 | 01/2019-20 | Trade Notice | Restriction on import of Peas and Pulses. |